AJCedeno Pix AJCedeno Pix

About --

Thank you so much for taking a peek at my stuff!

Can I share a little bit about myself?  I've been in New York (and recently NJ) since 2010, moving here after grad school in the pursuit of living, creating, and hustling as an artist.  I've been lucky enough to be a part of some wildly cool projects over the years, mostly as a performer, but always found myself scratching this little itch of intrigue every time I had a camera in my hand.  Then came 2020: after years of dabbling with my photographer brother and mom -- and, perhaps, accelerated by the pandemic -- I decided to really deep dive into the world that had captured my curiosity for so long.  And AJ Cedeno Pix was born.

So what do we try and do?
When I was in graduate school, a professor made a seemingly innocuous comment that has stuck with me ever since:
We are all storytellers.

Whether we mean to be or not, the way we move, talk, laugh, listen...it all creates the picture of who we are, tells the story of us.  You know when you can hear your child laughing in a perfect image capturing their joy?  Or you feel the spark between a couple caught smiling at each other in a candid moment? These are the best photos because, in them, we tell our stories.  And those are the moments I want to discover with you.

Thanks again for stopping by.  And please know I'm always available to answer questions and develop this collaboration!  Looking forward to shooting together.  - AJ